Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Patience, Part I.

Here is what we’ve done so far:

__Initial application to agency
__Three letters of reference from willing and generous friends
__Physicals for all J and I and the boys
__Explanation of any and all mental and physical health issues
__Lots of pieces of paper requiring signatures
__Finger prints for J and I

Now, we wait. Our next step, once all of the above is reviewed by our agency, is to go to a two-day training seminar in St. Paul, MN. We should find out any day now whether we’ll head there for a weekend in June or July. I’m hoping for June because until we go through the training we are at a complete standstill.

Right now, my sights are set on St. Paul and learning everything that we can about international adoption. Lots of to-do lists will follow our weekend in MN, so I’m trying to focus solely on that experience. I have tried not to take a second look at the tasks that follow the training for fear of getting too impatient or overwhelmed. Speaking of being overwhelmed, I just have this truly overwhelming feeling that God’s timing is in all of this. If we have to wait until July to journey to St. Paul it is clearly because God is taking another month to prepare.

Baby steps to our baby girl.

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