Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's a...


We’re requesting a baby girl. 6-12 months old. For some reason, this has been very clear to me from the beginning. When I started dreaming about an Ethiopian child in my life, I started dreaming about a little girl. I’ll admit to wrestling with myself thinking, “Can I really choose a gender? Isn’t there something weird and slightly sci-fi about choosing your child’s gender? I wouldn’t genetically pre-dispose a biological child to fit such a preference, why would I insist on that for an adopted child?” These are good questions. And I’m just not sure I’ll ever come up with a good, concrete answer as to why this ultimately feels okay. After swimming around in my mind for a bit, but I’ve pretty much dismissed such questions. Instead, I close my eyes and picture her. She’ll be a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, and a sister. And she’ll be beautiful. I just know it.

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