Thursday, May 29, 2008

And so we tell the world.

By now, everyone knows. We’ve told our friends. We’ve told our families. My hairstylist knows and so does the woman at Starbucks. My parents found out on Mother’s Day and delighted us by their reaction. J’s parents were informed at Woodfire Grille and are thrilled. There have been hugs all around. Part of “the spiel” is that we’re preparing everyone for a long journey. In that same breath, I think we’re preparing ourselves as well. My estimate is that we’ll be bringing home a baby in the fall of 2009, but I really have no idea how realistic that is. I do know, however, that that is a long time from now. Right now, I’m trying to remain calm. I found out last week that one piece of paper from a therapist that I saw while living in Chicago was being held up a bit. I keep telling myself that it’s fine. This small setback, so early in the process, should not unnerve me. I’m trying to remain Zen-like in our wait. We’re not in a big hurry. The process will unfold as it will and I’ll be sitting back, letting it happen, enjoying the ride. Right?

I know. It’s kind of like how I wrote down the words “Bring it on” in the journal that I was keeping before giving birth to Oliver. I was thinking to myself, immediately after I settled into my hospital bed at Northwestern Hospital, before the Petocin kicked me from behind, “This isn’t so bad. Let’s just do this. Bring it on.” Little did I realize the pain of childbirth.

Regardless, I’m trying to be realistic. I’m trying to be patient. I’m fine.

I’m so obviously and completely naïve.

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