Thursday, May 29, 2008

Once upon a time...

...there was a Maternal Fetal Specialist at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL who, pointing to a small abnormality on a picture of a young woman’s brain said, “There is no scientific explanation as to why this happened to you. We just can’t explain it.”

In the exact same moment, an overwhelming voice occupied the heart of the young man looking at the picture that said, “I did that. I put my finger on her brain and left my mark on your family forever.” The young man swears he felt the presence of God in that sterile white-walled office and a nudge toward adoption.

The young woman (whose remarkable brain was being discussed) noticed to, although she had already received the message. It was clear to her shortly after she suffered a small stroke? a crazy migraine? (no one was really ever able to say) and was faced with the prospect of not having another biological child. She knew they would adopt. She decided on the way home from the hospital, in a red car cruising up Lake Shore Drive. Adoption entered her consciousness and she was okay with it. Surprisingly calm. Excited, in fact.

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