Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eyes Wide Open.

That's what this weekend was all about...arming ourselves with information before jumping in. I'm so happy we chose this agency because they truly value education. We spent two exhausting days arming ourselves with experts and resources for our journey. We did a lot of soul searching and learned so much. So. Much. We attended workshops on attachment, transracial families, and Ethiopia. We listened and asked questions to panels of adoptees, adoptives parents, and birth mothers. We learned more about the language of adoption. The loss of adoption. The joy of adoption. We discussed complex issues within a small group. We watched videos. We received packets of articles and extensive book lists. And we were given "homework" to complete, which is the next step in this process. We got up early last Thursday morning and journeyed to Minnesota, thus making us one step closer to Ethiopia.

(I know that we look a little scared? scary? in this picture. We're not. We're really not.)


Anonymous said...

You guys are SO cute with your big blue eyes!!! I love you both so much. SO. MUCH.

ChiTown Girl said...

Sending you both many hugs and kisses!! But, yeah, you both look a little scary.... ;-)

Cindy said...

Have fun doing your homework! :)

Unknown said...

So who's that hippie next to you in the picture? Do they let the principles in Iowa look like that?