Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Two days to PAC.

We're heading to St. Paul late this week for Pre-Adoption Classes (PAC) at our agency. I'm excited. It will be nice to roadtrip with my husband, nice to re-connect with our friends Torrey and Jeff (with whom we're staying), and wonderful to learn all about international adoption. I wonder if we'll come home feeling closer to our daughter? I wonder what we'll cover, and uncover, while we're there? Adoption has gradually become my favorite subject. I am desperate to meet more people who I don't have to worry about boring with long-winded musings and a litany of questions. The whole point of the entire two days is to learn, and talk, about adoption. I need this.

We were talking this week about all of the awful flooding in Iowa that has closed down major roads along our path to Minnesota. We had another bit of rough road trying to find friends and family who were able to take our boys for the two days that we'll be gone. This was discouraging me and I asked J if we should perhaps wait until the July session. He looked at me like I was crazy and said something to the effect of, "Minor detours are certainly not going to stand in my way of getting our next child." And when you put it like that, I would have to agree.

1 comment:

ChiTown Girl said...

I hope your weekend is everything you want it to be. Have fun, learn lots, and remember that when you come home, you'll be one step closer to meeting your beautiful daughter :)

BTW, I always knew J was a deep and insightful man. Don't you just love him more with every passing day?